
Wells Golf Club

Junior Safeguarding Documents

Please complete the forms in this page...

Guidance for Parents

Sometimes we use photographs of classes and events on our website and social media pages. Please fill in the consent form

Photography Consent Form

Junior Profile & Parental Consent Forms

The safety and welfare of juniors in our care is paramount, and it is therefore important that we are aware of any illness, medical condition and other relevant health details so that their best interests are addressed.

In compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018, GDPR and all relevant data protection legislation, all efforts will be made to ensure that information is accurate, kept up to date and secure and that it is used only in connection with the purpose and activities of the organisation. Information will not be kept once a person is no longer a member of the organisation. The information will be disclosed only to those members of the organisation for whom it is appropriate and relevant officers of England Golf where necessary.

It is the responsibility of the junior and their parent to notify the Club Welfare Officer (CWO) or Secretary if any of the details change at any time.

Emercency Contact Name

Emergency Contact 2


Testimonials Testimonials

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